Sunday, September 30, 2012

Kids CAT logo Design

Not that often is logo design this much fun. I designed a few logos back when I was Creative Consultant/Graphic Design when I worked for the Ad Agency LAB Ltd. 

This Logo is for a research project being conducted to assess the Quality of Life for kids with chronic illnesses. There is a program they use called Kids CAT, which is an computer questionnaire for kids. It was just finished a couple of weeks ago.

The first sketches looked like this.

Then the render:
The Eyes represent graphs  on a screen and the mouth a keyboard and the cat looking at the mouse.

Needed a bit of softening up so I ended with this, the final client approved image:

The eyes are now pie graphs and it is inspired by the classic imac design. A lot softer and the client was very happy with it. The colours could also changed out, mmmmm different flavours.

They were also going to have me update the actual questionnaire, This was the quick animation sample I created:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Virgil the Ferocious Vegetarian: The Complete works

There are many great reasons for becoming vegetarian or vegan, I was even semiveg for quite a few years. Virgil's reasons are somewhat...... unique.
Virgil has been published by Funtime Comics and the gig guide the package from time to time.
This is the very first Virgil comic created at the turn of century 2000!
The stories while simple were a lot of fun with a bunch of easter eggs in each comic.

Here's Virgil the Ferocious Vegetarian number 1

Was first published in the Package in 2000. A few Easter eggs were: 
Panel 1: My band at the time (Maestro Cooltones and the Phantasmacies) Logo on the calendar
Panel 3: Portrait of Micheal from the comic Valin I was drawing at the time.

VFV 2 further expanded on the Virgil's quest to save the world:

The Boss in this comic was fun to draw, his head is never actually attached to his neck and kind of floats there. If you read the blah blahs there's a subliminal message in there.

VFV 3 

I thought I had lost this comic forever having lost the original was happy to see it published in Funtime Comics years later since I forgot I even submitted it. Like finding money in your couch! Looking back I probably would have spent more time on the background in the last panel.

Clockwork Orange Logo for the Title Panel. 
Pak n' Cheap is a play on New Zealand's Cheapest Supermarket Pak n' Save
Floaty head bosses are back!
That Pesky Cooltones logo is back on the coffee mug.

Virgil 4 2004

Page 1

Page 2

4 years later I finally draw another VFV. My girlfriend's (now Wife) favourite character of mine at the time and wanted to see another Virgil.

The Virgil I'm most proud of. I really wanted to step up the detail. The sign slogans were fun to come up with. My favourite is the cow saying "MEAT MAKES US MOOOODY!"

Tons of Street Fighter and Jojo's characters with cameos in the crowd shots. Even my friend Mike D makes an appearance in the black baseball cap.

The stoner in the last panel was cool to draw. "The truth is out of it"

Virgil is a fun character to draw and I still have a backlog of ideas. Maybe I'll revisit this character sometime and see what he's been up to.

Don't let this stay panel fool you. Chances are we'll see Virgil's return one day. Who else is going to save us when Veges rise up to take over the world?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Duckie the Self-Aware Duck #2 a ReQuack

Here's Duckie number 2

This comic was a ton of fun. It kind of introduces you to the trusting naivete of Duckie. At this stage I realized I'm going to need someone for Duckie to talk to. You'll see that character in part 3 :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Duckie the Self-Aware Duck #1 a ReQuack

This is comic series of mine currently being published by Funtime Comics in my hometown of Christchurch New Zealand.

Duckie the Self-Aware Duck and a cult Internet following back when I was pumping these out once or twice a week. I stopped Duckie after about 64 comics when work commitments interfered.

I don't think there has ever been a complete Duckie collection posted anywhere so I'll put it all in this site for people to see.

I'll try to remember to post a Duckie here a few times per week and provide commentary about each one.
Here's the very first cartoon.

The first sketch of the Duckie character was drawn on a long bus ride in Mexico. As soon as I returned to New Zealand I attended a Arts Festival in Tauranga where I hosted pavement workshops for kids. To introduce people to the sidewalk gallery The kids were creating I drew Duckie with his trademark beret.
Looking at him throughout the week I thought: What if this Duck knew he was a Duck but Duck's shouldn't be able even think these thoughts? And so the first Duckie was born.

Looking back, the duck here is too smart and seems to be reacting to Duckie which is part of the joke. If I had to redraw it I'd make the other duck more brain dead like how the other ducks are portrayed later in the series.

Street Fighter fanart tweetin': Old Zangief fanart :-)

Sf retweet Yahee! Zangief fanart :-)
Was stoked to see my fanart of video game street fighter Zangief appear on the official @StreetFighter twitter account today. Also retweeted my website and Ryu 3D pic to all their followers. Hooray for the digital age! Thanks Capcom!